When we look at the C harmonica and the C major scale, the missing notes in the first octave are the F and the A, in the third octave the B is missing.
These notes can be played by bending.
The blow- and drawbends add a large number of notes to those that can be found on a Richter tuned diatonic, however not all 12 notes that are used in western music can be played on the Richter diatonic by using bent notes.
The notes that are missing are, when we look at a C harmonica:
- The Eb in the first octave.
- The Eb, F# and Bb in the second octave.
- The C# and Ab in the third octave.
These notes can be played by using overblows and overdraws, giving a complete chromatic scale over three octaves.
Chromatic scale - C Diatonic |
Keep doing what you do best!
Thanks for a great website.
By theory :
• Blowbend on it means E to be Eb
• Overbend on it means D to be D# which is equal to Eb
Using a guitar tuner while blowing on hole 8 how do I know if I succeeded blowbend or overbend??
By theory :
• Blowbend on it means E to be Eb
• Overbend on it means D to be D# which is equal to Eb
Using a guitar tuner while blowing on hole 8 I take D# how do I know if I succeeded blowbend or overbend on it??
iam just begininng to overblow, i can choke the reed with ease, can get a sound from the other though its a bit weak, and also its 1/2 step higher than it should be, do you have any suggestions??
"need a little more adjusting and maybe a little wax"
Do you use wax somehow? What kind of adjusting? Mouth or actual tinkering inside the tin sandwich?
Though I've been playing harp for about a year now I am still a newbie. My current objective is to learn to bend, regular and over, to the point that the tones come on demand naturally. I would L O V E to play a C chromatically!
I currently have a Hohner Big River, and I'm buying a sp20 this week because I hear that it is easier.
Being one not to waste money I am cautious about learning to overbend on my Hohners. I don't want to break them. So the question that I have is can I use a cheap harmonica, say the $10 hohner or something else cheap, to practice on? Or are these cheap harmonicas incapable of overbending? Honestly, I would feel better breaking a few of these than a more expensive harp.
On another topic, I got the JP Allen DVD course, and I've been randomly cruising through youtube. Are there any great (free?) websites that offer superb tutorials?
Realistically... how long (years?) could it take to learn to play a C chromatically?
Again, thanks for this awesome website! I look forward to seeing your answers :)
What must I do? I have great control, musicality, and experience but everytime I try to overblow I get that squeally sound like the note is sickly and strained. I have tried closing the gap of the reed to no avail. what am I missing?
Thank you,
Richmond VA
You will probably damage the harp, but that goes for any harp you learn to overblow on.
I really appreciate people who have the generosity to share their info, so thanks.
Can anyone tell me if I am wasting my time attempting overblows on a 'Special 20'?
...and am I possibly going to damage the harp?
If overblows can be accomplished in holes 1-6, why does your example only play the 4,5 and 6 overblow? Are the notes on holes 1-3 too difficult? or just too obscure and are not used very often?
Thank You
Overblows can only be played on holes 1 to 6 on a regular diatonic. In holes 8,9 and 10 you can blowbend. Bent notes go down in pitch overblows go up in pitch. On holes 7 to 10 you can overdraw and you do not need a magic harp for it. Check out the scalefinder to see which notes are where: http://www.overblow.com/index.php?menuid=26
Practice practice practice. I have a small pile of broken harps from over blowing on them one that even cracked the #4 draw reed. As when you overblow the draw reed vibrates to make the desired tone.
thanks happy playing
we should do a video on harp repairs and modification. I am a cameraman working for cbc television for 25 years at the toronto station in canada. Lot of experience in video and film production. Also play harp in chicago blues style for over 35 years. Let me know what you think of the idea.
rockin rich
I was just about to give up learning the theory of playing my harmonica and carry on just "doing it".
This music, scales, and postion thingy is doing my head in .... but i want to learn it. After hearing that scale I realise what a long road it is from where I am now... still must keep plodding on. Thank you for the insperartion.