One of the meanings of the Spanish word Potingue is 'brew'. In our case it's an amalgam of musical tastes.
Flavors like bossa, blues, latin and jazz are some of the ingredients that make up the brew Potingue.

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These musicians have crossed all of Europe with former projects, and feel at home on large festival stages as well as in more intimate club settings.
The band came to life spontaneously after some househeld jam sessions, when bossa-nova-guitarist Juan and bluesharmonicaplayer Ludo decided to expand their instrument-wise unconventional combination to a complete group.
Ludo had already worked with Peter's band 'Funky V' and knew that in him he had found another musical soulmate with ears open for diverse influences.
The cherry on top in this case is the solid foundation that jazz-bassist Dimitri provides in combination with drummer-percussionist Steven.

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or call:
+32 (0)497 21 21 98